Saturday, March 10, 2007
American Apparel
Believe it or not, there is actually an American company that practices ethical treatment of employees: American Apparel. Read over their mission and get some information on the company. Feel free, too, to browse their online catalogue - but feel no pressure from me, even though I love the clothes American Apparel produces. What do you think about the company and what its able to accomplish? Why don't more companies do this?
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That is way awsome. I think someone should pass this along to our president Bush and a few of the large companies in America. Companies like American Apparel should get a BIG TAX credit. I put them on my favorite list so the next time I need a few shirts I will look there.
This is a GREAT idea and I do think other companies should consider this as an option. Tony mentioned that they should be able to get a BIG TAX credit and I agree. I was looking over the clothes and I was suprised they were so inexpensive. I love it!
shoot that was me and I forgot to put my NAME!!!
It's me,
Amanda G.
It sounds incredible. Almost too good to be true. There has been criticism of the company's sexually charged advertising and hiring workers based on their personal style. There were a couple of sex discrimination lawsuits, and there is a conflict with for supposed union busting. There were some actual labor complaints filed with the National Labor Relations Board. As well, problems reported in Clamor magazine charged that American Apparel's progressiveness and anti-sweatshop propaganda were false. American Apparel has threatened to sue Clamor. So all is not rosy at American Apparel.
I note they showed revenues of $250 million in 2005 and are considering opening new stores in the US, Israel, Japan, Korea, Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany, Canada, the United Kingdom, France and Mexico.
Let's see if they can hold onto their utopian ideals when confronted with the almighty buck. But I am taken with the fact that apparently their workers are paid twice the normal wage, they offer English as a second language to their workers as a benefit, affordable health care, and good working conditions among other things.
I am impressed, but I remain wary.
Wow! Thats awesome that a company can offer so many benefits to the families of their workers without having to use sweatshops, and still make a good profit off of their merchandise without having to commercialize it. Why can't all clothing companies be the same way?!
I remember seeing the CEO of this company on TV several months ago involving a sexual harassment scandal. I think he's a weirdo, but while I was in D.C. I had a chance to check out the American Apparel store there. I remeber there were a lot of over-priced blank t-shirts in various colors.
I think that's great that this is company is able to remain vertically integrated while building their brand. I also like the fact that they pay their employees a decent wage, but it is definately reflected in the price of their products.
I hope they can remain competitive in this industry and remain true to their mission statement, but trends tend to come and go.
I love that this kind of company has been able to become so successful. Most of the clothing I looked at seemed to be around average pricing, but I’m always one to look for sales, so maybe that’s not accurate… Hopefully this type of business will inspire others to improve their own companies’ treatment towards their workers. I think the only thing stopping most of the bigger businesses is money. Never mind that’s completely obvious. However, is it possible to persuade industries that the treatment of their employees is more important than cheap labor, spending less money?
Susan Tyner said:
I predict that as people become more aware of where their merchandise comes from and how it is produced that we will begin to see more of these small companies.
I think people are beginning to grow weary of the big chain stores and are becoming more amenable to the idea of shopping from more of these cottage industries. The internet has made it possible for just about any product you can think of to be marketed to a very narrow audience.
I've been to the "Buy American" site before but haven't bought anything as of yet.
I like how they keep everything in one building. My husbands mom was recently laid off from Michael's of Oregon because it moved to China. After 15 years of working for them her severence pay was $400/wk for a couple of months and a couple thousand for her "bonus". I would recommend her working there for the pay if it wasn't for the cost of living in LA.
Anyway I also like how they have a program integrating sustainable cotton and recycling scraps.
If they pay their workers the highest wages in the industry and don't outsource how do they make money?
I'm tempted to buy something just to see if the seam contours really are constructed to flatter my body :).
I have never heard of American Apparel, I think they should do more advertise on it so other coporation would see their bussiness and buy from them. I like their products they carry and i would look more into it if I ever need something. I was shocked how they have ESL class for their employees as one of their benfits. Never heard of any other companies having this benfits.
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This american appearal sounds like a very good company to work for. They offer very good benefits they even offer free bikes for everybody that wants them. They even offer esl classes. Thats the first company that I see that does that. Its seems that their wages are very competitive. I think they are trying to make this company so everybody can work here not just people that can speak english. Very thoughtful I think we should have more companies like this one. I hope everything goes well. Well good bye Rosie
What a great company! i love that they do everything right there at the one factory. deffinately makes me more willing to buy their products. some of their clothing seemed to a eurpoean influence to them. The clothing did seem to be reasonably priced. somethings seemed more reasonable than others. hopefully it will catch on
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