Thursday, March 1, 2007

Big Ten

I haven't been able to log on and post anything for a couple days; I think the system must have been down. But, all's well today, finally!

We talked about this concept of the Big Ten I think two class meetings ago and I said I would put it up on here. Poke around some - what you find may surprise you.


Anonymous said...

Woa Dude!
I'm used to three dollar ($3) words same as the next reader, but this one, "oligopoly", well, had to call in the big guns to 'learn me' Unabridged (v 1.1) -
–noun the market condition that exists when there are few sellers, as a result of which they can greatly influence price and other market factors. Compare duopoly, monopoly (def. 1).

[Origin: 1890–95; oligo- + (mono)poly]

—Related forms
Pronunciation[ol-i-gop-uh-lis-tik] adjective Unabridged (v 1.1)
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.

Don Roberts

Anonymous said...

I wasn't there for the class meeting for the Big Ten, but just looking around on here and seeing all the different labels for technology and how almost all of them have the same concept in what they are advertising, just in a different company's perspective, astounds me!

It's crazy that you can compare two of the same exact material and stick two different logos on them and be able to say that one is higher quality than the other because of the name of the company.

Keri Jerome

Anonymous said...

This found this paragraph interesting:

"Of all the cartel's dangerous consequences for American society and culture, the worst is its corrosive influence on journalism. Under AOL Time Warner, GE, Viacom et al., the news is, with a few exceptions, yet another version of the entertainment that the cartel also vends nonstop. This is also nothing new--consider the newsreels of yesteryear--but the gigantic scale and thoroughness of the corporate concentration has made a world of difference, and so has made this world a very different place."

I've noticed that all the 24 hour cable news channnels available usually have the same stories in rotation and they all cut to comercials at the same time.
Did anyone really care about the Anna Nicole Smith fiasco? I sure didn't.

Anonymous said...

I notice the same think watching Cabel tv. I never really thought about Anna Nicole Smith until she died. I think it's interesting how companies buy eachother and become kind of a monopoly.

Anonymous said...

yeah it sucks to see so many companies selling the same stupid things to get rich off us but were the ones to blame. We support them and don't even realize it. I don't know how this chain of coorporations work but you made a good point when you talked about 3 plus stores being all one. So if you hate a certain store and don't go to it, the next store you may be shopping at might still be supporting the store you hate.

Anonymous said...

i agree keri and russ walker on what they said, basically every channel tries to put out the better and different things so it makes it better, but thier all same advertising, and yet everyone tells it in a different story. all those tv channels, and the new technology stuff, have made a different world here, and its amazing how its done.
even books, and music, and videos are one of the biggest things that people like to buy or do, or read. and plus you learn alot too.

Anonymous said...

This post is closed.
