Friday, April 27, 2007


When we talk about what the label says, its important to think about why we want the label.

Consumerism is often talked about as a why. Check it out here
and tell me what you think.


Anonymous said...

Marcus F. (Blogg 12)

Interesting article for the most part, I have the first 3 paragraphs in the bag but the only part that I’m missing in the 4th paragraph is my own food, grown in my back yard, that I can trade with my neighbors. But it’s an interesting concept; the only problem I see with it is that they talk about the fall of the British Empire as if they used up all their land to build strip malls, fast food restaurants etc. Their fall was due to their ECONOMY???? Their lack strength, their lack of a hard core military….Hello!!! It sure as heck wasn’t due to their environment, and consumerism.

The only thing this web article missed was to start on the tangent of global warming
and saving the polar bears. But it’s good to have these folks out there on the edge hanging out with their heads in the sand, preaching to us to be mindful of what we use and how much of it we have, use, need, and don’t need.

But then I like things a little rough around the edges. And these folks want a utopia called Wonder “Green” Land with the edges buffed to a shiny Teflon finish. Good luck with that!! The egg has left the chicken. The parties over, the fit has already hit and moved through the shan.

I always find it interesting that the most important thing the green crowd wants to talk about is consumerism, recycling, smaller is better, don’t have things, and don’t this, doesn’t that, as if they were living on a recycled cloud wearing a loin cloth someplace out of the way. As if the rest of the world is a safe and melancholy, butterfly dreams, happy ferry go lucky organically grown utopia. Well I WISH and pray to God that it was and this was all I had to worry about at this moment in time. With Radical Islam on the move, the war in Iraq, illegal immigration, the trade deficits, the free speech polizei, does it ever end.

Christ where can I find the time to fit in this whole green, anti shopping, anti Mc Mansion, movement. I might as well go live in a cave and just meditate for the next 20 years and then emerge enlightened to a country that fell to the wayside like the Romans, Greeks, the Brits, but not from consumerism, but from a Nuclear 9-11 or some kind of an attack that makes 9-11 look like a girl scout bake sail.

You might find that last comment crazy or paranoid, but I have lived all around the world and have seen the faces of the ones that want to put is all in the ground. But then if you think I’m crazy you can think about this, why is it that the federal government, along with the military is planning a homeland security, first responder, major training exercise at the Muscatatuck Urban training Center on the first of May? And just take a guess what the training exercise will be simulating??? The detonation of a nuclear device on a major city. Yep I’m crazy….as a Fox ;~>….M~

Anonymous said...

When I read the article I found the part about “people turning themselves into human consumer goods”, it gave a pretty interesting perspective. I always knew that many people would compare themselves to the models in the magazines or the actresses in the movies, but I never thought of it as, as silly as it sounds, advertising what beauty should look like. I guess that should’ve been pretty obvious, because they do make such a great impact on what people feel they should look like, I guess I just never realized that it also was a way of marketing. Consumerism does not have a limit to items or products, but goes on to say what is needed to make you beautiful. I know this isn’t a news flash or anything, I think I’m just finally making sense of it for myself… writing my thinking out loud kind of thing.

Anonymous said...

I think all that jazz in the beginning sounds great... but really now, that time is long gone, and except for maybe in a post-apocalyptic world, I don't really ever see it coming back. Personally I'm fine with the way things are right now, sure we do put to much stock in looks as Daniella points out, but we make those choices for ourselves, regardless of how much advertising is shoved in our faces. The bottom line is, if everybody wanted the grow your own food and live in harmony with nature and all that good stuff, we would be doing that right now instead of doing things the way we do.

Nick Conant

Anonymous said...

